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Performance Management

Global Customer Insights In Real-Time

Performance Management

Feature Overview

Performance Management

Optimize Your Performance

INSTANT Performance Management

Effective performance management is comprised of five component processes: planning, monitoring, developing, rating, and rewarding. These processes work together and support each other to provide a natural, effective overall framework.

Customer Performance Management

Customer performance management is the process of creating and maintaining high-performance customer care operations. To succeed in this endeavor, you must communicate operational expectations clearly and implement procedures to measure, report, and act on your company’s performance against those expectations.

  • Customer performance management is a new category of software applications that includes strategy management, score-carding, planning, analysis, and optimization of customer business processes.

Customer Performance Metrics

There are a myriad of metrics for evaluating customer performance, but most of these fit into one of the following five categories:

1. Customer satisfaction (CSAT). This is the most traditional type of metric. Typically, it involves the capture of explicit answers to survey questions about customers’ satisfaction on a variety of measures. This can also include metrics such as product review ratings, statistics about the timeliness of delivery, or mystery shopping scores.

2. Customer loyalty/Retention/Churn. These metrics include retrospective measures such as average (customer) tenure. While based on past interactions, these indicators are generally considered to be relatively predictive of future customer behavior (and retention). Examples include purchase frequency, multiple channel usage, loyalty program participation, average order size, repeat orders, and return rates.

3. Advocacy/Reputation/Brand. These metrics reflect a customers’ likelihood of favorably recommending or endorsing a product, brand, or company. Examples include price sensitivity, sentiment scores on social media, trust ratings, and event participation.

4. Quality/Operations. This is the most underestimated set of metrics, given its importance to the overall customer experience. When a product or service does not meet expectations in this area, the customer experience is often poor, even if actions are taken to remediate the problem.

5. Employee engagement. This last set of metrics, which measures the level of perceived involvement by a company’s employees, is included in only 10% of customer experience (CX) initiatives. However, employee engagement is a major way for companies to deliver improvements in customer experience. For example 86% of organizations rank employee engagement as having an equal or greater impact compared to other CX factors.

INSTANT's Performance Management Feature

Global Customer Insights In Real-Time

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